Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Come by City Hall with a bag of canned goods 
and join me in creating a food drive sculpture
 in the City Hall lobby on Wednesday, December 7th from 6:00 PM - 7:30PM. 
Or come by anytime in December to add to the sculpture. 
Help us collect plenty of food this year for Brisbane residents and seniors in need. 
Brisbane Food Drive Sculpture
From soup to nuts, please bring canned and packaged foods to the Brisbane City Hall lobby during December.  Add your artistic flavor by arranging your food contributions into a daily evolving sculpture. Please add your food donations to the existing sculpture or go ahead and release your inner MICHAELCANGELO and rearrange the whole collection.

Our donations will be given to the Brisbane Police annual Holiday Food Drive 
and distributed to Brisbane residents in need.
(No glass, perishables, expired foods or bulk grains please.)

Brisbane City Hall, 50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8am – 5pm, Wednesday 8am – 8pm, Friday 8am – 1pm
For more information contact Wendy Ricks (415) 508-2114