Monday, July 6, 2009

Seats of Power: Art and Civic Engagement

Seats of Power

Brisbane officials put their keisters on the line for art and civic participation.

Interactive art opening of “Seats of Power” at City Hall in Brisbane, California, 50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005, March 18, 2009 from 5:00 – 8:00p.m.

How far will Brisbane City officials go to support the arts? Artist and activist Beth Grossman has convinced the Brisbane Mayor, City Council, Police Commander, Fire Chief and Harbormaster, among others, to immortalize their derrieres as “Seats of Power,” all in the name of Art.

While capturing the impression of participants’ pants sitting on their chairs, Grossman came to appreciate Brisbane officials from a perspective different from that of the Council Chambers or City Hall offices. “We’ve had some good laughs and the puns keep flying,” says Grossman. Laughter has been a segue into more serious discussions about the nature of political power. The posterior photo images were later converted into textiles and upholstered onto chair seats.

For the opening reception on March 18, 2009, the public is invited into Brisbane City Hall to walk down a red carpet and sit in the “Hot Seat.” Here they can contemplate and expound upon how it feels to be in a seat of power. Public comments will be recorded in a video made by documentary filmmaker, David L. Brown.

Meet the artist at an interactive art opening of “Seats of Power” at City Hall in Brisbane, California, 50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005, March 18, 2009 from 5:00 – 8:00p.m.

LA Times Article