Sunday, May 9, 2010

All the rest is commentary...

All the rest is commentary…

Art Exhibit on the Golden Rule and Table Talk Performance Art Events

with Artist Beth Grossman at The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan

May 25th – July 30th, 2010

This series of table cloths created for the JCC in Manhattan presents versions of the Golden Rule from twelve world religions,

honoring cultural differences while underscoring a shared sensibility.

Opening reception Wednesday, May 26th

with an artist talk from 6PM – 7PM and a wine reception from 7PM – 8PM

Table Talk Performance Art Events Financial Table Talk – Thursday, May 27 at 7:00 PM
Beth Grossman will host an unusual Table Talk discussion with financial experts on the topic of the Golden Rule and its relevance
to today’s free market system. The public is welcome to observe and listen in the conference room at the JCC in Manhattan.

Public Open Table Talks – Tuesday, May 25, 4:30 – 6:00PM and on Tuesday, June 1st from 1:30 – 3:00PM
As we consider social issues from within the context of the Golden Rule, our struggles for personal and social moral actions

will be visually documented on a tablecloth and audio recorded.

The Laurie M. Tisch Gallery at The JCC in Manhattan

334 Amsterdam Ave at 76th Street, New York NY 10023 646.505.5708

Visit Beth Grossman’s website
Contact Beth:

All the rest is commentary...

Golden Rule: Christianity

Golden Rule: Judaism

Golden Rule: African Traditional Religion

Golden Rule: Jainism

Golden Rule: Islam

Golden Rule: Baha'i Faith

Golden Rule: Unitarian

Golden Rule: Sikhism

Golden Rule: Buddhism

Golden Rule: Hinduism

Golden Rule: Native American Spirituality

Golden Rule: Shinto

Artist Statement

All the rest is commentary refers to a story about Rabbi Hillel, a first century B.C.E sage, who was asked to teach the entire Torah while standing on one foot. He wisely responded, "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. This is the law; all the rest is commentary; go and learn it."

Nearly every world religion has a version of the Golden Rule as a fundamental principle. This ethic of reciprocity insists that each individual has a right to just treatment and a responsibility to ensure justice for others. How might our world change socially, politically and economically if we were to treat others as we would want to be treated? And what if others want to be treated differently than we desire for ourselves?

I invite you to the table to consider the universality of the Golden Rule. The table is a gathering place for meals, conversations, teachings and prayers of gratitude. This series of 12 table cloths is based on variations of the Golden Rule collected from twelve world religions: the Baha’i Faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Native American Spirituality, Shinto, Sikhism, Unitarianism and Yoruba African traditional religion. Each expression of the Golden Rule suggests a characteristic sense of the religion’s unique culture.

This series of table cloths typographically unifies these translated versions of the Golden Rule. In the artistic tradition of Barbara Kruger and Jenny Holzer, I play with how the eye and the mind perceive these authoritative messages. My artwork magnifies what is inherent in the phrases and searches for additional content and questions. Using text from diverse Golden Rules, I have created a dynamic visual poetry.

If you combine words and phrases from the different table cloths, the texts may reveal new commentary.

Beth Grossman

Giorgi Gallery Presents: The Portrait Show

Portraits by 11 contemporary bay area artist will be on display at the Giorgi Gallery along with an abbreviated encore of the previous show: Nina Katz, a year in portraits.

The essence of portraiture is explored in drawing, painting and sculpture. The unifying theme of the show is the striking sense of humanity captured with widely divergent styles, sensibilities and subject matter.

Can a person's life be affirmed in one picture? Nina Katz has explored this and other questions with a daily ritual of sketching portraits from the Obituary section of the New York Times. Intrigued by repetition and process, Nina took her daily interest in reading NY Times obits to drawing them every day. A series of oil portraits evolved from this process as an obvious next step to creating a personal interpretation of public memory.

Nina's full year of original pencil drawings on accordion fold Moleskin sketchbooks will be displayed along with the Portrait Show. All portraits will be for sale including 5 limited edition reproductions of Nina's sketchbooks.

May 6 - June 4, 2010 Reception : Thursday, May 27th, 6-9 p.m..

Giorgi Gallery

"Where Art Stops Time"

2911 Claremont Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94705